So, recently I came across an alleged poll from YouGov, which was in reply to a post about support (or, more accurately, lack of it) for Scottish Independence…
Those (obviously false) figures rang a bell, and low and behold
Same account, same figures, same (supposed) polling company, but a different date (and that pie chart was oh so bad) - he’s since deleted that post.
When challenged, @Wullie912 did as @Wullie912 does, and starts a long line of verbal abuse (one, redacted, example shown below)
I then did some digging through Wullie’s timeline, and he’d been a busy boy…
Surprise, Surprise, NONE of these polls were on the YouGov website - they were ALL fake; Think about it, if they WERE real, the Nationalists from the guys in the Kilts to the Blessed Nicola would have been shouting about them from the rooftops.
But it’s not only Wullie that’s involved - another account - @HornyCol - gets involved, by copying and sharing the “latest” result quite a few times.
This time, though, they’ve had quite a few retweets and likes (some of the retweets are by people either questioning him on their authenticity, or just laughing at the fake numbers)
Even fellow nationalists know it’s not real :
But then, things REALLY get … weird
But, they ARE real…
A few days ago, I received a Direct Message on Twitter , from @Otter343 ; I accepted the request, and asked what he wanted to pass on to me
He replied with this “bombshell” (plus some other gubbins…)
I decided to string him along, and right at the end - ask about the email “from” YouGov.
No response was forthcoming until today (Wednesday 19th of October), when I gave him a nudge…
Then came … The Email
He say’s he’s hidden (accidently) both the From and To Addresses; Looking at that image, there wasn’t anything to hide in the first place. In both the G-Mail and Outlook email clients, the “caron” (upside down arrow) - ONLY shows when you’re creating a new email (not receiving one) , where it expands to show the CC and BCC fields, as shown here
The part about “a website clean” is laughable - YouGov have polls going back years on their website - they’d hardly remove one a few months old.
Then there is the spelling, the grammar - it’s patently obvious that this email was NOT from YouGov - just another sad individual (possibly either @wullie912 - who has tweeted it [ ] or @hornycol) just trying to continue the myth about these fake stats.
I’m awaiting a response from YouGov about these fake polls - I’ll update this post if/when I get it.